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Saul Viewed Opinions Greater Than Obedience - I Samuel 15:1-23
At What Cost?, June 2022Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Saul, Opinions, Greater, Obedience, I Samuel, Choice, Right, Life, Man, God
Wisdom Is Little Appreciated - Ecclesiastes 9:13-18
Ecclesiastes, January 2022Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Wisdom, Little, Appreciated, Solomon, Wise, Man, Godly, examine
The Plot To Kill The Jews - Esther 3:7-15
August 2021, EstherPastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Plot, Kill, Jews, Esther, Plan, Depravity, Heart, Man, Wicked