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Proper Worship - Ecclesiastes 5:2-7
Ecclesiastes, September 2021Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Proper, Worship, God, Reverence, Examine, Hearts
Vanity Of Fleeting Popularity - Ecclesiastes 4:13-16
August 2021, EcclesiastesPastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Jesus, Bible, Ecclesiastes, Vanity, Fleeting, Popularity, Applause, Beliefs, Family, Decency, Leadership
Vanity Of Loneliness - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
August 2021, EcclesiastesPastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Vanity, Loneliness, Ecclesiastes, Value, Working, Together, Frustration, Life, Under, Sun
Frustrations Of Life Under The Sun - Ecclesiastes 4:1-8
Ecclesiastes, August 2021Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Life, Sun, Frustrations, Solomon, Vanity, Oppresion, Travail, Materialism
We Would Not Know Without God - Ecclesiastes 3:16-22
Ecclesiastes, July 2021Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecelesiastes, Know, Without, God, Understand
Appointments - Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
Ecclesiastes, July 2021Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Appointments, Life, Timing, Placement, Purpose, God
We're All Going To Die! - Ecclesiastes 2:12-26
Ecclesiastes, July 2021Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, worthless, empty, life, die, all, going, to
Vanity Of Worldly Pursuits - Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
Ecclesiastes, June 2021Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Vanity, Worldly, Pursuits, Worthless, Pleasures, World, Solomon
Vanity Of Intellectual Pursuits - Ecclesiastes 1:12-18
Ecclesiastes, June 2021Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Vanity, Intellectual, Pursuits, Wisdom, Worthless, travail, incompleteness, grief
Introduction To Ecclesiastes - Ecclesiastes 1:1-3
June 2021, EcclesiastesPastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Book, Introduction, Life, God, Empty, Writer, Purpose, Poetical