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Proverbs Concerning Generosity (Part II) - Ecclesiastes 11:1-5
Ecclesiastes, February 2022Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Generosity, Cheerful, Giver, Heart, Love, Giving, People
Proverbs Concerning Generosity (Part I) - Ecclesiastes 11:1-5
Ecclesiastes, February 2022Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Generosity, Cheerful, Giver, Heart, Love, Giving, People
Proverbs Concerning Rulers - Ecclesiastes 10:18-20
Ecclesiastes, February 2022Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Concerning, Rulers, Wise, Diligent, Speech, Guard, Thoughts, Respect, Authority
Proverbs Of Wisdom And Folly (Part 3)
Ecclesiastes, February 2022Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Wisdom, Folly, Solomon, Cautious, Heed, Cautions
Proverbs Of Wisdom And Folly (Part 2)
Ecclesiastes, January 2022Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Wisdom, Folly, Solomon, Cautious, Heed, Cautions
Proverbs Of Wisdom And Folly (Part 1)
Ecclesiastes, January 2022Pastor James KohrFreedom Baptist ChurchFreedom, Baptist, Church, Havelock, NC, Bible, Jesus, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Wisdom, Folly, Solomon, Cautious, Heed, Cautions